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Prostate Cancer Research

The Arora Lab is an interdisciplinary Cancer Lab based in University of Miami. We investigate novel concepts that underlie the complexities in Molecular Endocrinology of Prostate Cancer. 



The Arora lab at Desai & Sethi Institute of Urology, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Miami, focuses on understanding the molecular endocrinology of Prostate Cancer which involves studying the molecular signatures and interactions that play a critical role in the progression of prostate cancer from androgen-dependent to the androgen-independent castration-resistant stage. 


To achieve this goal, we use 2 major approaches-

1. We use cutting-edge Molecular biology and genomic and transcriptomic analysis to identify novel alterations in human cancers. We study these using genetically engineered mouse models and next-generation in vitro models. 

2. We advance Machine learning models to study genomic signatures in patients in different stages of PCa.


Our long-term goal is to develop and use technological advances to bridge the gap between the clinical and basic science world and translate this information to the care of prostate cancer patients.

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